Friday, November 21, 2008

Chapter 5

Lonely am I

Lonely are the nights
Lonely are the days
Lonely am I, in so many ways
Lonely are the seasons
Lonely are the years
So lonely am I, that it brings tears.
Lonely is this place
Lonely is my life
Lonely am I, that I reach for a knife
Lonely is this court room
Lonely is my sentence
So lonely am I that I ask for repentance.

jim foulk

I chose this poem, because I think that its related to the loneliness of Curley's wife. She is lonely for days, seasons, years...

In this chapter happened a lot of breathtaking things. Lennie killed his puppy and then Curley’s wife. I think that he didn’t want to kill anybody, because he “loves to pet nice things” and he said that he didn’t bounce the puppy hard. And with Curley’s wife he was just afraid of getting into trouble which means not to tend the rabbits and that’s an ultimate punishment for Lennie. When he tried to stop her yelling he broke her neck by mistake. After he accidently killed Curley’s wife he ran away. Candy discovered her body and told to everybody to go see it. The chapter ends with Candy and the body of dead Curley’s wife, when the men went to kill Lennie. George tried to beg Curley to don’t kill Lennie but Curley denied his try of mercy.
I think it’s not Lennie’s fault, but maybe it might be a little fault of George because he urged Lennie to don’t get into a trouble and if he gets he will not tend the rabbits, which made Lennie stressed.

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