Friday, November 21, 2008

Chapter 4

This picture represents loneliness.For example the loneliness of Curley's Wife or Crooks.

The chapter begins in Crooks’ room. All the other men went to the town and just Lennie, Candy, Crooks and Candy’s wife stayed at the ranch. First comes Lennie and Crooks tells him about his past and that he is lonely because he is black. Then comes Candy and they talk about the dream of having a piece of land and a house. After a while, comes Curley’s wife and all of them, the insipid, the cripple, the black and the lonely woman are in one room and talk to each other. The chapter ends when George come to Crooks’ room and orders everybody to leave.

I think that in the movie the director skipped the racism and instead of it putted loneliness of Curley’s wife, because he thought that people doesn’t want to hear about racism and rather about loneliness of pretty Curley’s wife.

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