Friday, November 21, 2008

Chapter 3

Whit(left) and Crooks(right) are average ranch workers. Not so much is known about them, just that Crooks is lonely because he is black

Curley's Wife is a lonely woman who is dependent on Curley.

In chapter three we are introduced to Whit and Crooks. The Candy’s dog gets shooted by Slim, and George and Lennie tell Candy about their dream. Candy replies that he has some money and that he can cook so if they don’t want him to join their dream. They agree and George tells them that he will contact the owner of their dream house. In the end of this chapter there is a conflict between Lennie and Curley. Angry Curley punchs Lennie to his face and then Lennie grabs his hand and crashes it. The chapter ends with Slim telling all of the men that Curley couch his hand in machine.
I think that Whit is considered as an average ranch worker and that Slim is higher in rank than him. I think that Curley’s wife is the lowest in the rank, because she doesn’t even have a name and is dependent on Curley. Also Crooks could be low in the rank because the men don't like to talk to him because he is black.

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